General Dentistry – Pediatric Dentistry
NIHDI number: 3-14041-45-001
Liesbeth graduated in 2014 as General Dentist at K.U.Leuven with distinction. Since then she gained experience in various group practices. Since 2019 she has been working in her own group practice Preci-Dental. Here she focuses on general dentistry and pediatric dentistry.
General Dentistry – Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry – Endodontology (root canal treatments)
NIHDI number: 3-13124-89-001
Karel graduated in 2013 as General Dentist at K.U.Leuven with distinction. After this education, Karel decided to specialize in Restorative Dentistry during a 4-year specialization in Restorative Dentistry at the KULeuven led by Professor Naert. In 2017 he earned his degree as Specialist in Restorative Dentistry. Since then he worked in various group practices where he focussed on crown and bridge work, aesthetic dentistry and implantology. Karel is still employed at the Department of Restorative Dentistry at UZ Leuven as a supervisor and consultant for patients with complex prosthetic needs. Karel treats patients in his own practice Preci-Dental with extensive restorative and aesthetic work, root canal treatments and of course general dentistry.
General Dentistry – Clear Alligners
NIHDI number: 3-00459-47-001
Olivier graduated in 2022 as a dentist at KU Leuven. He joined our team in July 2022. He’s available in our clinic on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
General Dentistry – Clear Alligners
NIHDI number:
Nik graduated in 2023 as a dentist at KU Leuven. He joined our team in July 2023. He’s available in our clinic on Wednesdays and Fridays.
We prefer to use modern techniques and materials, taking the time necessary to complete our treatments according to high standards. For these reasons, we don’t use the convention prices for technical treatments. For preventive treatments (= (semi)annual check-ups) and treatments in children (<18 year), we use the convention prices. This means that in most cases treatments for kids are 100% reimbursed by the mutuality.
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